Wednesday, November 24, 2010

10 Yoga tips to cure many diseases through mudras

    As per Eastern philosophies and culture and Yogic practices, 'Mudras' are systematic hand gestures. Literally, Mudra in Sanskrit means a posture/seal.
More deeply, "closed electrical circuits" of the subtle channels in physical and etheric bodies are also known as 'Mudras'.
Some Western writers have defined 'Mudra' as mystic hand gestures used to focus subtle energy, transmit teachings through symbols and confer psychic protection.
Because the Mudras work on the nerves, they are a NEURAL SCIENCE.
  People fold their fingers in various Mudras (Gestures). It is little known, however, that mudra Science is Tatva Yoga i.e. Yoga based on science of Elements. And these Mudras can help in curing many Diseases. Tatva Yoga Mudra Vigyan is an independent Yoga, built upon the knowledge of the five fingers of the human hand.
  Mudra is a very exact and scientific Yogic function by which one can develop and even change one's internal and external disposition viz. Mental (anger, emotional disturbance, intelligence etc.), Spiritual (concentration, meditation) or Physical (in various diseases, illnesses). Mudras can bring miraculous Mental, Spiritual and Physical changes and improvements in our body. They help in quickly balancing the elements of the body. Mudras effect changes in Veins, Tendons, Gl ands and Sense Organs. Mudras need no prior preparation. They can be done (mostly but with exceptions) at any time, anywhere and virtually under any circumstances. Mudras are like literal remote control switches bringing quick and effective changes. They help in bringing about permanent changes.

  Mudras awaken the cosmic energy and help unite the Atma (Soul) with Paramatama (Cosmic Soul). Thus, the tension applied to the nerve/s and/or the neural or psycho- neural circuits formed by the Mudras help in balancing the five basic Elements (or building blocks).
The Thumb (Angusth)represents Fire (Agni),
the Fore finger (Tarjani) Vayu (Air),
the Middle finger (Madhyama) Akash (Space),
the Third finger (Anamika) Prithvi (Earth) and
the Fourth finger (Kanishika) Jal (Water).
This balancing of the tension and redirection of the internal energy effects the changes in veins, tendons, glands and sensory organs to bring the body back to a healthy state. Mudras never generate an excess of energy, they simply seek an optimal balancing of prana, much like a thermostat. So next time you are Ailing, remember it may just be an instance of mal adjusted prana and an innocuous sleight of hand could be the cure Here are some mudras which are useful in therapy. As mentioned earlier there can be no end to the gains that may be had from Mudras. While for most Mudras there are no restrictions of posture and time, others should not be performed without full knowledge. In some cases, practice for longer periods or while in a different posture or at the wrong time could even prove harmful.

1.Hakini Mudra :
Can be practiced anywhere anytime. Good for Brain. Helps Memory.
*People should sit down in contemplation with both the hands in front & the finger touching at the tips as though in deep thought.
* The finger tips of both the hands should be placed together.
* The eyes should be directed upward with the tip of the tongue placed on the gums while inhaling.
* Make the tongue fall again while exhaling and then take a deep breath.

2.Pran Mudra :
The Pran mudra activates the root chakra and increases vitality. This can be done up to half an hour a day or three times a day for 15 min
 * Get the tips of the thumb, ring finger and little finger together while the index finger and the middle finger remain extended.
 * This mudra can be done with both the hands.
For: Eyes and Life force.
PRAN MUDRA : Bend the little finger and the finger next to it and place them at the tip of the thumb. Keep other two fingers straight.This Mudra creates an Energy bank in the body.Good in keeping the Eye problems away and heals the Eye Sight. Removes Fatigue. Keeps a person fresh during a Fast. It also makes the Skin glow and Eyes shine. IT IS GOOD IN REMOVING SLEEPLESSNESS IF DONE WITH GYAN MUDRA.
N.B. This Mudra should be done with concentration.

3.Linga Mudra :
This Mundra boosts the body’s immune system and loosens the mucous that has been collected in the lungs and it is believed to make the body more resistant to colds and chest infections. Those who are habitually suffer from bad colds and incurable chest infections are advised to practice this mudra. This mudra is useful for weight reducing also. However because of the heat it generates, the mudra can be taxing and can result in the feeling of lethargy.Weight-watchers who practice it must ensure that they consume ‘cooling’ foods like fruits or drink as much as water they can – at least glass a day.
 * Place both palms together and clasp your fingers.
 * One thumb remains upright and encircled by the thumb and index finger of the other hand.Keep both hands infront of the chest
 * This mudra can be practicing three times a day for 15 mins
For: Cough & Cold, Asthma, Bronchitis, and Low Blood Pressure.
LING MUDRA : Join both the palms and lock the facing fingers together, keeping left thumb upright. The upright thumb must be encircled by the other thumb and the index finger.Do as shown in the picture. This Mudra generates heat in the body.
It destroys Phlegm and helps in problems of Cold and Cough. It is excellent when the body is cold due to shortage of cover in inimical weather. It is a reliever in Asthma and Bronchitis.
N.B. This Mudra must be performed under supervision or with full knowledge. Good amount of water, juice, milk, fruits and ghee should be consumed after performing this mudra. Should not be done for a long time.

4.Apan Mudra :
This is called the energy mudra.This mudra helps in removing toxins from the body.This mudra also has a balancing effect on the mind and helps develop inner balance and confidence.
 * Place the thumb, middle finger and ring finger together but the index finger and the little finger are extended.
 * This can be done for fourty five mins or three times day for 15 mins.
For: Menstrual Cycles, Kidney, Diabetes and Piles.
APAN MUDRA : Bend the finger next to index finger and the finger next to little finger and place them on the tip of the thumb. Keep rest of the fingers straight. This Mudra is beneficial in Piles and Diabetes. It removes Urinary problems and is beneficial in Menstrual cycles. This Mudra makes delivery of a child easy. It is also good for Kidney and Stomach problems.
N.B. There is too much of urination. Good amount of water should be consumed.

5.Apan Vayu Mudra :

This is called the life saver and is first aid for heart attacks. Every conceivable problem has a mudra, which enables a cure. A person who has developed heart trouble can check it by reducing the vayu tatva and apan vayu of his body. He can do this with the vayu and apan mudras. This mudra is supposed to have immediate effect in an emergency. It can also be used over a period of time to strengthen the heart. However, the mudras are not substitute for medication.
 * Bring the index finger is brought down on the mound of the thumb, and the tips of the third and the fourth finger join the thumb.
 * The little finger should be relaxed and extended. This can done with each hand
 * This mudra can be done 3 times a day for 15 mins or until effect is felt
For: Heart and High blood pressure.
APAN VAYU MUDRA : Bend the index finger and place it at the root of the thumb. Place the other two fingers at the tip of the thumb. Keep the little finger straight.
This Mudra is best for bringing down Heart problems and Blood Pressure. This is best for people with Weak Heart. If done immediately after Heart Attack this Mudra does miracles. It is good in removing Gastric problems and is good in removing Headache due to Gas problem. It should be done few minutes before climbing the stair case.
N.B. It should be practiced under strict supervision of a known yogi or master of this science.

6.Bhudi Mudra / Varun Mudra :

The bhudi mudra helps maintain the fluid balance in the body.
The tip of the thumb should be placed on the little finger while the other fingers relaxed and extended.
Do this with each hand, This can be done three times a day for 15 mins.
For: Face, Skin and Blood.
VARUN MUDRA : Bend the little finger and place it at the tip of the thumb.Press the finger against the thumb gently. Keep the rest of the fingers straight. This Mudra removes Dehydration and Blood disorders. It is good for removing Pimples from the face and is also good for removing Skin problems. It helps in maintaining Glowing Skin.
N.B. People ailing with kuff should not do this Mudra for long time.

7.Back Mudra :
 This is an excellent Mudra for backache. There are many reasons for backache. Stress is one of the prime causes.This mudra is done with both the hands.
 * The thumb, middle finger and the little finger of the right hand should touch the index finger and the ring finger should be relaxed and extended.
 * In the left place the thumb joint on the nail of the index finger
 * This can be done 4 times a day for 4 mins

8.Gyan Mudra :
For: Headache, sleeplessness and memory loss.
 * Bend the the thumb and the index finger and bring the the tips together in gentle contact, not pressing hard, while all other fingers are kept straight
This Mudra is a Tranquilizer for Yogis and helps in Meditation. It sharpens the memory and develops the concentration of mind. It removes Head Ache and Sleeplessness.

9.Surya Mudra :
For: Liver, Cholesterol and Blood sugar.
SURYA MUDRA : Bend the finger next to the little finger and place it at the root of the thumb. Now press the finger with the thumb gently. Keep the rest of the fingers straight. This mudra helps in Loosing Weight and removing Depression. It also decreases Cholesterol and Blood Sugar. It is also good in removing Liver problems.
N.B. Week and unwell people should not do this exercise. Do not over do this Mudra in hot weather.

10.Bronchial & Asthma Mudra :
Good for Respiratory Problems.Can be done with both the hands. These two mudras can be done for a few minutes one after the other until the breath calms down. For proloanged treatment these mudras can be done five times every day for five mins.
 * Place the little finger at the base of the thumb, the ring finger on the upper thumb joint and the middle finger on the top soft portion of the thumb. The index finger should be extended. This can be done few mins every day.
 * It can be done along with the asthma mudra wich is also done with both hands.Press together the fingernails of the middle fingers while keeping the other fingers extended. This is effective for asthma attack.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Copy and paste a file from a remote computer to a local computer

We can copy text to the clipboard between local computer and the remote computer, but we can't copy files.
      For security reasons, copying files or folders between your remote computer and the computer you are using to connect is not enabled by default. If the local computer you are connecting from is a public terminal, you may not want to share the drive for fear of transmitting malware or viruses between the machines. Since you're using your own laptop, the security risk is much lower and the convenience of transferring files between the two machines far outweighs any potential hazards.
Actually we know Remote Desktop already saved us from saving and running applications several times successfully in case of network failures as well.
     To enable copying files between computers, launch the Remote Desktop Connection on the machine you are connecting from (in this case, your laptop). Click the Options button to expand the list of Options tabs. Click the Local Resources tab. Check the box next to Disk drives. Checking the box next to Printers also enables you to print files from your remote computer to a printer connected to the local computer. Click the Connect button.


    To test the copy and paste function, right-click any file on the Desktop or in Windows Explorer on your remote computer. Choose Copy from the list. Right-click the desktop on your local computer and choose Paste. Without checking the Disk drives box on the Local Resources tab, the option to Paste will be grayed out on your local computer.
Keep in mind the Disk drives option will be on by default on any remote connection you make from your laptop, so if you are connecting remotely to a computer you don't trust, it may be wise to turn the feature off before connecting.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Facts And Fiction In PSYCHOLOGY

The word psychology literally means, "study of the soul" derived from Ancient Greek.Psychology is a branch of science that deals with mental processes and behavior. It is the systematic study of human and animal behaviour, mind and thought. To pursue the career of a psychologist, one should have a genuine desire to help other human beings.

Psychology is mainly concerned with the way the mind works.
Psychologists study the processes, motives, reactions, feelings and nature of the human mind. Their treatment is based on changing the behavioural patterns of the patients without medication. They do counceling and help people by bringing about changes in their thought process, thus improving their quality of life.

Psychologists need not have a medical degree. But they have to study several years to specialise in various aspects of psychology. One can pursue Psychology at the plus two level, graduate, post graduate and doctorate level. There are specialisations in many fields of psychology such as social psychology, child psychology, occupational psychology, clinical psychology, educational psychology, experimental psychology, etc.

Psychologists can read the minds of others:
This is a popular myth that prevailed from the beginning. No honest Psychologist would claim so. However, as Psychologists are trained in observing the verbal and non verbal behavior of people, they may be able to guess the intentions of others more accurately than lay people.

Psychology is an occult science:
This is absolutely untrue. On the other hand know that Psychology is the scientific study of the experience and behavior of living beings with a view to understand the principles that govern these phenomenon. As in other sciences Psychology aims at 'Prediction' and 'Control' of behavior.

To study Psychology, one should have extra ordinary capabilities:
Totally untrue. Any body who is interested in this subject can study it.

A Psychologist can hypnotize any body with a piercing look:
No. Never! Psychologists who are trained in hypnosis or hypnotherapy can hypnotize others if the patient/client is totally willing and cooperative. A mere study of Psychology will not equip a person to hypnotize any body.

If one can hypnotize a person you can make him do any thing:
Sorry, never. Even under deep hypnosis a hypnotized person will not obey if he is asked to perform unethical actions.

Mental illness is incurable:
Times have changed. Presently mental illness can be treated effectively with drugs and psychotherapy by competent Psychiatrists and Clinical psychologists.

Mentally ill people are dangerous:
Surprisingly it has been found that mentally ill people have lower rate of violent behaviors, such as assault, rape and homicide than those in the general population. Nevertheless, people with Paranoid disorder (suspicion that others are plotting against them) may assault others to protect themselves.

Genius is 'akin to insanity':
No such relationship has been found in experimental studies. On the other hand some major studies have shown that people who had IQs 140 or above (bordering on genius) when reassessed in their mid-forties showed that their death rate, divorce rate, and mental illness rate were all lower than those for the general population. It is concluded that it is a myth to believe that creativity and genius are 'akin to insanity'.

Impact of Stress on Everyday Life


What is Stress?

An executive of a large firm developed high blood pressure (hypertension) at the age of 35. A 27-year-old housewife developed recurrent Bronchial Asthma. When consulted, the physicians told them that they were suffering from disorders due to ‘stress’.

The executive had to take frequent quick decisions all alone for about one year. Each decision could have resulted in heavy losses to the company. After each decision, the executive used to worry about it till the decision proved right. It was his constant worry and anxiety which made him end up with hypertension.

The housewife had a nagging mother-in-law and her husband was not supportive. Every time when her mother-in-law nagged her, she wanted to give back but never did so. Instead, she suppressed her anger and used to feel choked. Eventually, the choking became breathlessness and ended up with attacks of asthma.

This is what stress does to us. There are thousands of examples like these. One of the recently diagnosed stress induced disorders is ‘chronic fatigue’. If stress is so powerful shouldn’t we know more about it? Yes, what is it then?

Stress is an experience. When demands of a physical, psychological or sociological nature make us react to it we are under a stress. Those which demand a reaction and force us to mobilize our resources are called ‘Stressors’. Stressors make us experience stress. Increased temperature of the room, demands of people around us and societal norms are examples of stressors. When we mobilize our resources to meet these demands, psychologists say we are under stress.

Due to inappropriate usage, the word stress has assumed bad connotations. In its original sense a stress is neither good nor bad. It becomes good or bad, desirable or undesirable, healthy or unhealthy depending upon what it does to us. For example, the demands of an examination could make one child work hard and pass creditably. In the case of another child the very same examination could appear very demanding and he might end up in a break down, as his resources are poor. Thus by itself a stressor or a stress is neither good nor bad. They are neutral in nature.

When a stressor becomes too demanding or when we do not have adequate resources to meet the demands, we get ‘stressed up’. The stressed up experience is called a ‘Distress’. Distress is bad and unhealthy. Prolonged distress initiates a number of reactions at the level of the body and mind. As it depletes our resources we become impoverished and susceptible to diseases and disorders. The child who has poor resources to write an examination falls ill. The executive who went on worrying depleted his resources and developed hypertension. The housewife spent a sizable portion of her resources to suppress her constant anger and ended up with bronchial asthma. Thus any stress that becomes distressing is unhealthy.

When a stressor puts demand on our resources and we experience stress that need not always lead to distress. If the stressor is within limits and we have enough resources we will be able to cope up with the stress. When a stress makes us cope up with it, there is a feeling of satisfaction and joy. Stresses that make us cope up with them culminate in better integration of our personality. Such stresses are called ‘Eustress’ or useful stress. The child who prepared well for the examination, wrote it effectively and came out successfully experiences better self worth and increased self-esteem. The examination though a stress had indeed beneficial effects on him. Such beneficial stresses are required for our motivation and growth. No wonder it is then called a useful stress.

Perception of Stress:
Psychologists have noticed that to a large extent, it is our perception ( the way we look at things) which determines a stress to be a ‘eustress’ or a ‘distress’. For example, people who are trained as in military combat, perceives a threat to be as simple whereas some one who is new to it sees it as a matter or life and death. Thus psychologists have shown that perception determines the magnitude of stress. They also feel that perception can be changed through training. This contribution of psychologists is very important as in our modern times already existing stress assumes greater magnitude and also newer and newer stresses are being added day by day. The training to reorganize our perception has become very useful in bringing down the intensity, frequency and duration of many stress related disorders. So also future stresses could be anticipated and perception regarding it could be altered through training. Such training is known as ‘STRESS INOCULATION’. As we get inoculated against diseases, now we can strengthen people to face stresses with Stress Inoculation. Isn’t it wonderful?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

What contributes to a browser history?

Browser History includes all the following:

• Browsing & Download History: Browsing history is the list of sites you've visited that show in the History menu, the Library window's History list, and the Location bar autocomplete's address list. Download history is the list of files you've downloaded that show in the Downloads window.

• Form & Search Bar History: Form history includes the items you've entered into web page forms for Form autocomplete. Search Bar history includes items you've entered into Firefox's Search bar.

• Cookies: Cookies are messages passed from a Web server to a browser which are stored on your hard drive in the form of a small text file. They can have many uses, the main one allowing a server to identify a user and present customized pages and/or login information to the user's browser when they revisit a Web page. These files can contain information that you may not want to leave behind.

• Cache: Cache is temporary storage on your hard disk where recently viewed Web pages are held. It allows you to quickly load a previously visited page without having to reload the page and its images from the Web server on subsequent visits. Reasons for clearing your browser's cache may go beyond simple privacy matters. Another reason involves performance. When the cache becomes full, you may notice your browser beginning to function slower. In addition to giving you the ability to clear the cache, many browsers let you specify the location on your hard disk where cache is stored, the amount of space allocated to it, as well as the frequency in which pages are saved.

• Active Logins: If you have logged in to a website that uses encryption since you most recently opened Firefox, that site is considered "active."

• Site Preferences: Site-specific preferences, including the saved zoom level for sites, character encoding, and the permissions for sites described in the Page Info window.

Index.dat file (Internet history file) stores information which can show where you have been online. Index.dat file is a system file and it can't be deleted manually as it is used by Windows all the time. Its content is not deleted even if you erase browser history folder content.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

10 Tips That Can Increase Your Fuel Economy

Simple Adjustments Can Increase Fuel Economy Considerably:
There are many tips for improving your fuel economy. For the most part, improving fuel economy isn't much more difficult than making small adjustments to your daily driving habits. When you make changes to your habits, you will experience lower fuel costs and you can also improve the life of your vehicle. Here are ten easy ways to improve your fuel economy.

Tip #1
An easy and almost free way to improve your car's fuel economy is to keep your tires inflated. The only time inflating your cars will cost money is if you have to put a quarter in the air machine at the gas station. Of course, a quarter is nothing compared to your fuel savings. You can save 4% of your fuel costs if you just keep your tires inflated.

Tip #2
Use the proper grade motor oil and you will experience a 1-2% savings on your fuel economy. Certain motor oils contain friction-reducing additives. Look for motor oil that says "Energy Conserving" on the API performance symbol to ensure that the motor oil you purchase contains these additives. This will also help to increase your fuel economy.

Tip #3
If you are carrying unnecessary baggage in your trunk, remove it and you should see your fuel economy increase. It takes fuel to haul extra weight, and if you don't need whatever is in your trunk it's just like throwing money away.

Tip #4
When gas prices are $2.44 per gallon, every 5 mph you drive over 60 mph is like paying an extra 24 cents per gallon for gasoline. This figure increases as gas prices increase, so speeding can wreak havoc on your fuel economy. If you obey speed limits and take your time getting from point A to point B you can save a lot of money.

Tip #5
Don't allow your car to idle. Many hybrid vehicles have an auto-stop feature which shuts the car's gasoline engine off when the car is idling. This is because idling uses gas, even though you aren't moving. If you are stuck by a train or long light, shut your car off.

Tip #6
Combine your errands, and you might find your fuel economy will increase. This is because a car uses more fuel when the engine is cold. If you run your errands at one time, your engine will already be warmed up. This will help increase your fuel economy.

Tip #7
Ever pay attention to how you drive on the highway? Do you speed up and slow down constantly? Speeding up and slowing down makes it so you use more gas. Use your car's cruise control feature and you will find that your speed will stay constant. This should help you increase your fuel economy.

Tip #8
When on the highway, use your car's overdrive feature. Overdrive reduces your engine's speed, which decreases the amount of fuel your engine uses. This will help you increase your fuel economy.

Tip #9
Avoid aggressive driving and you will increase your fuel economy. Jack-rabbit starts, speeding, and sudden braking all wear hard on your vehicle. In addition, your engine will use more gas due to your aggressive habits. Stay calm while driving and you should notice your fuel economy improving.

Tip #10
Purchase a new hybrid vehicle and you will see a huge difference in your fuel economy. This option is best for those who have old gas guzzlers and have tried other fuel saving ideas without much result. A hybrid car is designed with fuel economy in mind. Some hybrid vehicles get over 40 mpg in the city, which is over double the fuel economy of many SUVs on the market.

Improving your fuel economy is one way to help the economy and reduce your share of carbon foot print. Making small changes in the way you drive and what you do on a daily basis can add up to significant savings which results in a safer planet.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

How to clear browser history

How do I clear browser history in Internet Explorer?
To clear browser history in Internet Explorer 8.0:
• Select Tools.
• Select Delete browsing history.
• Select the necessary options and click the Delete button.
Note: In Internet Explorer even if you clear browser history manually, history index.dat file stores information which can show where you have been online. This file can't be deleted manually as it is used by Windows all the time.

How do I clear browser history in Firefox?
To clear browser history in Firefox 3.0:
• Open the 'Tools' menu and select 'Clear Private Data'.
• Put the check mark for the necessary options and click 'Clear Private Data Now'.
• Click OK.
Note: In the "History" tab you can specify how long you want Firefox to remember what web sites you visited.

How do I clear browser history in Google Chrome?
To clear browser history in Google Chrome:
• Once your browser is open, select the tools menu. (the spanner(UK) / wrench(US) in the upper-right corner) and select Options.
• Clear Browsing DataSelect Clear Browsing data... under the "Under the Hood" tab.
• Clear cacheSelect the Empty the cache check-box.
• If you do not wish to delete cookies, etc., remove checks from them in the list.
• Select your time period.Select the period of time for which you wish to delete cached information using the Clear data from this period: drop-down menu. (If in doubt select Everything).
• Done!Click the Clear Browsing Data button.

How do I clear browser history in Safari?
• Select Edit, then Reset Safari.
• Remove check marks for history items you don't want to clear.
Clear history - clears history of visited websites.
Empty the cache - clears temporary files where Safari saves visited webpages.
Clear the Downloads window - clears the list of files you've downloaded.
Note: this only removes references to files. The files themselves still exist on your disk until you delete them permanently.
Remove all cookies - removes stored cookies.
Remove all website icons - removes visited websites icons stored on your computer.
Remove saved names and passwords - removes user names and passwords, which Safari stores if the AutoFill feature is turned on.
Remove other AutoFill form text - removes different personal information, such as name and address which Safari remembers if the AutoFill feature is turned on.
Clear searches - clears recent search history.

How to clear browser history in Mozilla?
To clear browser history in Mozilla:
• Go to the "Edit" menu and select "Preferences".
• Select "Navigator" under the "Category" listing.
• Select "Clear History" in the "History" area.
• Click "OK" to clear browser history.

How to clear browser history in Netscape?
To clear browser history in Netscape Navigator:
• Go to the "Edit" menu and select "Preferences".
• Select "Navigator" under the "Category" listing.
• Select "Clear History" in the "History" area.
• Click "OK" to clear browser history.

How do I clear browser history in Opera?
To clear browser history in Opera:
• Go to the "Edit" menu and select "Preferences".
• Select "Navigator" under the "Category" listing.
• Select "Clear History" in the "History" area.
• Click "OK" to clear browser history.

How do I Clear browser history in Konqueror?
To clear browser history in Konqueror:
1.Once your browser is open, click the Settings menu and select Configure Konqueror.
2.Scroll down in the list of images and select Cache.
3.Click Clear Cache.

How to clear browser history automatically:
Clear All History is a perfect tool to completely clear browser history in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, MSN Explorer, Maxthon (MyIE2), Opera, Netscape, Mozilla, AOL Explorer (AOL browser). Clear All History was designed to be user-friendly and even inexperienced computer users can quickly clear browser history.
If you need to clear browser history automatically, you can use the program scheduler that allows you clear browser history on program start, program exit or after the set period of time. Learn how to clear browser with one click.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Save today for a better tomorrow

Market Plus 1 from LIC of India, Pension plan / Single Premium Insurance policy / ULIP

Market Plus 1 is a unit linked pension scheme (ULIP). Policy holder can choose the plan with / without risk cover. Market Plus 1 is primarily a Pension policy and the plan has many attractive features and options that make it an ideal Retirement solution for your future.

1. Option to pay one time premium
2. Critical illness benefit minimum Rs 50,000 and the maximum Rs 10 lakh
3. Accident benefit from Rs 25,000 upto a maximum of Rs 50 lakh.
4. Switch from one type of fund to another upto four times a year.
5. Premium top up.
6. Policy can be taken with or without risk cover.
6. Net Asset Value (NAV) declared on a daily basis.

Fund Types:
1. Bond Fund
2. Secured Fund
3. Balanced Fund
4. Growth Fund

Update for Minimum Premium without life cover for Market Plus 1 :
Regular premium (other than monthly (ECS) mode):
Rs. 5,000 p.a. for deferment term 20 years and above
Rs. 10,000 p.a. for deferment term 15 to 19 years
Rs. 15,000 p.a. for deferment term 10 to 14 years

Regular premium (for monthly (ECS) mode):
Rs. 1,000 p.m. for deferment term 15 years and above
Rs. 1,500 p.m. for deferment term 10 to 14 years
Single premium: Rs. 30,000 for deferment term 5 years and above

Annualized Premiums shall be payable in multiple of Rs. 1,000 for other than ECS monthly. For monthly (ECS), the premium shall in multiples of Rs. 250/-.

For Basic Plan with Life Cover (Investment cum Insurance Plan)

a)Minimum Sum Assured : 30,000/-
b)Maximum Sum Assured : Nil
c)Minimum Premium : Rs.5,000 p.a. for Regular premium, in multiples of Rs. 1,000 Or Rs. 25,000 for Single premium.
d) Maximum Premium : No Limit
e) Minimum Entry Age : 18 years last birthday.
f) Maximum Entry Age : 65 years nearest birthday.
g) Minimum Deferment Term : 5 years.
h) Minimum Vesting Age : 40 years completed.
i) Maximum Vesting Age : 75 years nearest birthday.
j) Maximum Life Cover Ceasing Age : 75 years nearest age.

For more details :

As on March 19th, 2010

The Current NAV of Market Plus is as follows:
BOND FUND: Rs.11.67

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Lock Folder Using Notepad

It is very easy to Lock any folder without use of any software.

1) If you want to lock a folder named "Personal" at a specific path.

2) Now open the Notepad and type the following

ren Personal Personal.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}

3) Save the text file as loc.bat in the same path.

4) Open another new notepad text file and type the following

ren Personal.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} Personal

5) Save the text file as key.bat in the same path.

6) To lock the Personal folder, simply click the loc.bat and it will transform into control panel icon which is inaccessible.

7) To unlock the folder click the key.bat file. Thus the folder will be unlocked and the contents are accessible.